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@newbloommag 下禮拜三晚上七點鐘會有錫安主義和屯墾殖民主義的講座!
* 本場講座會有中文口譯
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Mikki 是一名為巴勒斯坦倡議十年以上的組織工作者。他們曾是跨國合作組織 Pinkwatching Israel 的成員,並共同組織了針對以色列粉紅清洗行為的跨國 BDS 運動。此外,他們也著成一篇題為《妖變佔領:從錫安主義性/別政治到巴勒斯坦酷兒解殖想像》(Queering Occupation: From Zionist Sexual Politics to Palestinian Decolonial-Queer Imaginaries)的博士論文。他們的著作也曾經發表於《巴勒斯坦研究期刊》(Journal of Palestine Studies)、《屯墾殖民研究》(Settler Colonial Studies)、《激進歷史評論》(Radical History Review)和《Mondoweiss》等刊物上。讀者也可以在閱覽更多有關他們的資訊:https://www.mikkistelder.com
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Always wanted to learn more about the longer history of Zionist settler colonialism? In this two-part talk, we will begin with early Zionist settling in Palestine in the late 19th century to look at how Zionists used the relationship between the body and the land to create myths of perpetual Jewish ownership. To understand Zionism, we have to understand it as a particular kind of body politics rooted in ideas about race, gender and the body.
In the second part, we will look at why Palestinian Queers for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions called for a boycott of Israel over a decade ago. We will look at Israel's pinkwashing campaign in the context of the genocide in Palestine today. Pinkwashing is a propaganda strategy aimed at diverting attention from Israel's crimes by presenting the country as a beacon of sexual freedom. We will learn why Palestinian queers describe pinkwashing as colonial violence.
A portion of the proceeds will go to Palestinian relief.
Speaker Bio:
Mikki has been a Palestine organizer for over a decade. They were part of the transnational Pinkwatching Israel collective and have co-coordinated transnational BDS campaigns targeting Israeli pinkwashing. They have also completed a dissertation titled Queering Occupation: From Zionist Sexual Politics to Palestinian Decolonial-Queer Imaginaries. Their work has appeared in the Journal of Palestine Studies, Settler Colonial Studies, Radical History Review and Mondeweiss.
You can learn more about them here: https://www.mikkistelder.com